Reports (2003)

General Demographics / Income / Women
Report | 2003

Comparative Income Distribution Patterns Among Hispanic Households in New York City, Census 2000

This study examines demographic and socioeconomic aspects of the Latino population of the New York City area in the year 2000 […]

Demographics / Income / Latinos / New York Metro Area

General Demographics / Politics / Women
Report | 2003

Hispanic Citizenship, Registration, and Voting Patterns in Comparative Perspective During the 2000 Presidential Elections

This study examines citizenship, registration, and voting patterns of Latinos during the 2000 presidential elections […]

Citizenship / Elections / Latinos / Voting

General Demographics / Women
Report | 2003

CENSUS 2000: The Latino Population and the Transformation of Metropolitan New York

This study examines demographic and socioeconomic aspects of the Latino population of the New York City area according to the 2000 census […]

Census / Demographics / Latinos / Nationality / New York Metro Area

Community Studies / General Demographics / Income / Women
Report | 2003

Unemployment and Labor Force Participation Rates Among Racial/Ethnic Groups and Latino Nationalities in the New York Metro Area and the Five Boroughs

This report details the unemployment rates among Latino origin groups and racial/ethnic groups in the New York Metro area. The data are broken down by boroughs and by the eight largest Latino origin groups in New York: Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Cubans, Colombians, Guatemalans, Peruvians and Ecuadorians. The data for this report were derived from the 2005 American Community Survey published by the U.S. Census Bureau […]